About the Artist
The process of coming into your medium of artistry is one that is anointed by the Lord and a beautiful journey of discovering what your heart, hands, and mind can create. When an artist steps into their God-given calling of a life of art and creativity, doors of truth and revelation are unleashed.
This is the story of John Frasier, the founder and artist of Roaring Lion Art Studio;
One night, while watching a Christian television program, John encountered God’s plan of salvation in a way he was able to finally understand. That night, he uttered the prayer of salvation and stepped into an eternal relationship with Jesus and right standing with God.
John began drawing in church services as a child. His family encouraged him to draw and it was through this practice that John began to step into his God-given calling of artistry. John started drawing mostly with graphite, but now most of his work is digital. His current workflow starts by using 3D renders and ends with a form of painting and photo manipulation in Photoshop.
For the past three years, John has been learning to partner with the Holy Spirit to create art that visualizes what he feels like our Heavenly Father wants to say at that time. He creates a lot during worship time at church and also during his personal time.